Why Start a Nevada Corporation or LLC in Nevada

Why Incorporate in Nevada?

On Friday, March 13, 1987, Governor Bryan signed legislation that sent the message to all corporations and aspiring entrepreneurs: “Come to Nevada!” The new law:

  • protects directors and officers from personal liability for acts committed on behalf of the corporation or by the corporation.
  • Because jurisdiction for the corporation is in the state in which it is incorporated, this new law makes Nevada the preferred state in which to incorporate.
  • Nevada has some of the most favorable corporate laws in the United States.
  • It has a high degree of privacy, and
  • Nevada is the only state in the U.S. that does not share information with the Internal Revenue Service.

Nevada is one of the best 2 states in which to incorporate (the other being Wyoming) , hands down. Nevada advantages are:

No Taxes on Corporate Shares
No Franchise Tax or Gift Tax
No Business and Occupation Tax
No Stock Transfer Tax
No State Personal Income Tax
No I.R.S. Information Sharing Agreement
Nominal Annual Fees
Minimal Reporting and Disclosure Requirements
Stockholders are not a matter of Public Record
Law requires only one director (you can have a corporation with only one person involved)
Directors can change bylaws
No minimum capital is required
Only officers, directors, and resident agents are disclosed

Additionally, neither stockholders, directors, nor officers need to live or hold meetings in Nevada, or even be U.S. Citizens. Directors need not be Stockholders. Officers and directors of a Nevada corporation can be protected from personal liability for lawful acts of the corporation. Nevada corporations may purchase, hold, sell or transfer shares of its own stock. Nevada corporations may issue stock for capital, services, personal property, or real estate, including leases and options. The directors may determine the value of any of these transactions, and their decisions are final.